Betekenis van:
sign over

to sign over
    • formally assign ownership of




    sign over


    1. You must look over the contract before you sign it.
    2. You should look over the contract before you sign it.
    3. Look over the contract well, before you sign it.
    4. The number of terrorist incidents in EU Member States and elsewhere over recent years has shown no sign of diminishing.
    5. The number of terrorist incidents in Member States of the Union and elsewhere over recent years has shown no sign of diminishing.
    6. As an example it was claimed that since one company (not in the sample) had indicated that it was using over 100 % of its capacity it would be a clear sign of no injury.
    7. In particular, the company argued that non-repayment of the principal of a loan did not constitute a distortion carried over from the non-market economy system but a sign that the company enjoyed high credit rating.
    8. It was claimed that since one company (not in the sample) had indicated that it was using over 100 % of its capacity, this would be a clear sign of no injury.
    9. A Regional Economic Integration Organisation which is constituted solely by sovereign States and has competence over some or all of the matters governed by this Convention may similarly sign, accept, approve or accede to this Convention.
    10. While even under normal market conditions it can certainly not be expected that important investments would be made every year, the fact that over the whole period neither of the two remaining Community producers carried out any important investment is considered as a sign that the low profitability (which turned into loss as of 2006) did not allow any important investment to be made.
    11. As an example it was claimed that since one company (not in the sample) had indicated that it was using over 100 % of its capacity it would be a clear sign of no injury. It is noted that the information submitted is an extract of this company’s submission to the stock exchange authorities and not verified.
    12. Finally, the same company disagreed with the conclusion that a negative working capital together with interest-free borrowings has to be considered as a distortion carried over from the former non-market economy system but rather a sign of managerial efficiency.